Working with LJMU

For any questions on job advertising, help with writing student or graduate level job descriptions or to contact the Employer Engagement Team.

Vacancy policy

By registering with the LJMU Vacancy Website you agree to our Vacancy Policy. We aim to advertise vacancies within five days of them being uploaded. To help ensure efficiency we ask that you:

  • Provide complete and accurate information
  • Identify a website where candidates can learn more about the vacancy
  • Provide as much notice as possible prior to your closing date
  • Ensure all vacancies meet current employment and equal opportunities legislation
  • Abide by the principles of Institute of Student Employers (ISE) and Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)
  • Are aware of your obligations as a recruiter. Employing people guidance on GOV.UK

The vacancy service will act as a facilitator of vacancy information between the employer and student or graduates of LJMU seeking employment and reserves the right not to advertise vacancies it considers unsuitable for students and graduates. All vacancies will be checked by a member of staff from LJMU’s Student Futures Team before being made live on the system.

LJMU does not endorse any organisation that utilised its service or promote any specific advertised vacancy. LJMU shall bear no liability for loss, damage or delay howsoever arising in the performance of these services and in particular caused by circumstances beyond its control (of whatsoever kind).

LJMU in its duty of care to students/graduates and with the need to abide by current legislation, LJMU is under no obligation to process or promote information or vacancies supplied by employers/organisations that are in any way unsuitable. LJMU will refuse to provide services if discrimination or unsuitability is identified.

The following are the accepted forms of vacancies and opportunities that can be advertised:

  • Graduate vacancies and training schemes: paid work to be undertaken after a student has graduated
  • Sandwich/Industrial placements (internships): paid, assessed work for current students to undertake, usually for 12 months as part of a student’s course of study
  • Vacation work: full or part-time paid work to be undertaken in the University’s vacation periods
  • Part-time work: paid work that students can undertake around their academic studies. During term time we will not accept job vacancies that exceed 15 hours per week, as students’ academic commitments will always be a first priority.
  • Volunteering projects: with a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation. Volunteering organisations should register at JMSU’s Student Union. Visit
  • Paid short placements (internships) and project work: for current students to undertake as part of their programme of study.

Unpaid vacancies

Unpaid work cannot be advertised on LJMU’s vacancy website (unless from a charity or not-for-profit organisation). However, we can explore whether this work can be done as part of a student’s programme of study, where they are assessed and can gain academic credit for the placement or project. Email the Employer Engagement Team for information on how to get involved with work-based learning projects.

Types of information, vacancies and working practices that will not be promoted:

  • Do not meet the UK National Minimum Wage requirements (UK vacancies) (except for voluntary opportunities with a registered charity, not-for-profit organisation, or community group)
  • Appear not to meet the requirements of equality or other employment legislation (UK vacancies)
  • Employers which cannot be verified as legitimate businesses
  • Vacancies offered by a sole trader, unless covered by Employers’ Liability Insurance
  • Are unpaid international opportunities on behalf of a private or commercial organisation
  • Employment opportunities where the main place of work is a residential address
  • Commission only vacancies
  • Prohibit job advertisements that promote in kind pay such as concert tickets, food, or alcohol for example, instead of wages
  • Employers that require applicants to disclose personal bank or building society details before being appointed
  • Vacancies that require applicants to make an unreasonable financial payment
  • Prohibits job advertisements related to adult film industry or sex work
  • Vacancies that may represent a health and safety risk (outside current legislation) for example drug or medical trials
  • Employers and vacancies which conflict with LJMU working practices and may undermine the University image
  • Are unpaid international opportunities on behalf of a private or commercial organisation
  • Prohibits job advertisements that involve students writing academic essays or personal statements for use of other students

The above list does not cover all eventualities and other areas of unsuitability may become recognised. For information and guidance on employing people please visit the GOV.UK website.

Recruitment Agency and Third party recruiters

Unless a third party recruiter is advertising for vacancies in their own company advertisements will only be accepted if they reveal the name and location of the company they are recruiting for and it is clear they are a third party recruiter and adhere to GDPR legislation.

All job adverts must be for available roles and not include speculative adverts for students to join the agency or download apps. Adverts are posted with specific closing dates and adverts should not be advertised for longer than 4 weeks, where posts are filled before the advert closing date, these must be removed.

For any further questions relating to our working with LJMU or our vacancy service please email Employer Engagement Team.

Last reviewed 9 August 2023