
Bike Fix Basics Class

Join our Bike Fix Basics class to learn how to maintain your own bike and perform basic repairs.

John Lennon Art and Design Building Garden

14:30 - 15:30

At our Bike Fix Basics class, you’ll learn how to maintain your own bike and perform basic repairs. You won’t need any previous experience so anyone is welcome to join, and we encourage you to bring your own bike along if you have one. These events aim to be inclusive, particularly for those who typically have a lower uptake of cycling such as women, those on low incomes, and those who identify as belonging to an ethnic minority group.

We have two 1hr sessions available on Monday 23rd September, the first between 14:30 – 15:30 and the second between 15:45 – 16:45. The session will take place in the John Lennon Art and Design Building gardens, behind the café.

If you’d like to sign up or find out more information, email sustainability@ljmu.ac.uk .