Image of Prof Carlo Panara

Prof Carlo Panara

School of Law

Faculty of Business and Law

Professor Carlo Panara is the Director of the School of Law at Liverpool John Moores University and the Director of the Centre for the Study of Law in Theory and Practice (LTAP) at LJMU.

Carlo joined LJMU in January 2010 after teaching at the University of Hull (2006-09) and at the University of Perugia, Italy (2001-06). From January 2014 to the end of June 2015 Carlo was a Senior Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Tubingen, Germany, and previously a doctoral and postdoctoral research fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany.

Carlo is the author of two monographs (2008 and 2015) and of a considerable number of journal articles and other publications in several languages primarily in the field of EU Law and Comparative Public Law. Carlo's key areas of interest are multi-level governance in the EU and the identity of the EU as a global actor. Carlo's more recent research is concerned with lobbying in the EU and particularly with the role of the European (Brussels based) offices of local authorities from EU and non-EU countries (this includes a British Academy/Leverhulme Trust funded study during 2016-17 concerning the European offices of the English local authorities).


University of Hull, UK, Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education
Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy, Dottorato di Ricerca in Diritto Pubblico
Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy, Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza (110/110 summa cum laude)

Highlighted publications

Panara C. 2019. The ‘Europe with the Regions’ Before the Court of Justice Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 26 :271-293 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2019. Religious Symbol or Something Else? The Legal and Political Signification of the Crucifix in Italy from the Unification of the Country (1861) to the Present Day Bhuiyan MJH, Jensen D. Law and Religion in the Liberal State Hart Publishing

Panara C, Varney M. 2017. Multi-Level Governance in the EU and EU Democracy: Democratic Legitimacy, Democratic Accountability and Transparency of the European Offices of the English Local Authorities in Brussels Regional and Federal Studies, 27 :153-170 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2016. Multi-Level Governance as a Constitu-tional Principle in the EU Legal System Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, 16 :705-741 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2016. The Contribution of Local and Regional Authorities to a 'Good' System of Governance within the EU Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 23 :611-634 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2016. The Enforceability of Subsidiarity in the EU and the Ethos of Cooperative Federalism European Public Law, 22 :305-331 Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2015. The Sub-national Dimension of the EU: A Legal Study of Multi-Level Governance Springer Verlag. Berlin and Heidelberg 978-3-319-14588-4 DOI Publisher Url

Panara C, Varney M. 2014. Promoting ´openness´ and ´closeness´ of the EU to the citizen: preliminary thoughts on how to enhance the role of Merseyside Brussels Office in ´bringing Europe home´ Promoting ´openness´ and ´closeness´ of the EU to the citizen: preliminary thoughts on how to enhance the role of Merseyside Brussels Office in ´bringing Europe home´

Panara C. 2013. The Contribution of Local Self-government to Constitutionalism in the Member States and in the EU Multilayered System of Governance Panara C, Varney M. Local Government in Europe - The 'fourth level' in the EU multilayered system of governance :369-416 Routledge. Abingdon 9780415580007

Panara C. 2012. Peaceful Coexistence Wolfrum R. Encyclopaedia of Public International Law 8 :185-193 Oxford University Press 978-0-19-929168-7 Publisher Url

Panara C. 2012. Back to the Basics of Fundamental Rights: An Appraisal of State-Imposed Symbols in Light of the ECHR and of Italian Constitutional Law Temperman J. The Lautsi Papers – Multidisciplinary Reflections on Religious Symbols in the Public School Classroom BRILL/Martinus Nijhoff. Boston/NY

Panara C, De Becker A. 2011. The Role of the Regions in the European Union: The 'Regional Blindness' of Both the EU and the Member States Panara C, De Becker A. The Role of the Regions in EU Governance :297-346 Springer. Heidelberg 9783642119026 DOI

Panara C. 2011. Lautsi v. Italy: The Display of Religious symbols by the State European Public Law, 17 :139-168 Publisher Url

Panara C. 2010. In the Name of Cooperation: The External Relations of the German Lander and Their Participation in the EU Decision-Making EUROPEAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW REVIEW, 6 :59-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Panara C. 2008. Die offene Staatlichkeit - Italien von Bogdandy A, Huber PM, Cruz Villalón P. Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum II :143-176 C.F. Müller Verlag. Heidelberg

Panara C. 2007. La delimitazione delle sfere di competenza del Bund e dei Länder nella giurisprudenza del Bundesverfassungsgericht tra "dogmi" superati ed assenza di una "teoria generale" Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, IX :1527-1546

Panara C. 2006. Il rapporto tra il finanziamento pubblico dei partiti politici ed il principio di uguaglianza delle chances: i casi tedesco ed italiano Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, VIII :183-200

Panara C. 2006. I dilemmi del dopo 11 settembre: l´abbattimento "preventivo" degli aerei usati per attacchi suicidi è compatibile con la tutela costituzionale del diritto alla vita? Una risposta parzialmente negativa viene dal Bundesverfassungsgericht Giurisprudenza costituzionale, LI :285-299


Panara C. 2024. The European Offices of the UK Local Authorities and Devolved Administrations After Brexit The new relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union Springer. Heidelberg

Panara C. 2023. The European Offices of the UK Local Authorities and Devolved Administrations in Light of Patrick Birkinshaw’s Concept of European Public Law Gromek Broc K. Public Law in a Troubled Era: A Tribute to Professor Patrick Birkinshaw Kluwer Law International

Panara C. 2019. Deconstructing and Reconstructing Good Governance in Relation to Regional and Local Participation in EU Decision-Making Processes Abels G, Battke J. Regional Governance in the EU: Regions and the Future of Europe :33-51 Edward Elgar DOI Publisher Url

Panara C. 2019. Religious Symbol or Something Else? The Legal and Political Signification of the Crucifix in Italy from the Unification of the Country (1861) to the Present Day Bhuiyan MJH, Jensen D. Law and Religion in the Liberal State Hart Publishing

Panara C, French P. 2019. Peaceful Coexistence Wolfrum R. Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Public International Law Oxford University Press

Panara C. 2015. Concept and Role of Local Self-Government in the Contemporary European State Sadioglu U, Dede K. Handbook of Research on Comparative Politics and Reformation in Local Governments :42-84 IGI Global 9781522503170

Panara C, Varney M. 2013. The Local Government in the EU Multi-Layered System of Governance Panara C, Varney M. Local Government in Europe: The ‘Fourth Level’ in the EU Multi-Layered System of Governance :xvii-xxii Routledge. London 978-0-415-58000-7

Panara C. 2013. The Contribution of Local Self-government to Constitutionalism in the Member States and in the EU Multilayered System of Governance Panara C, Varney M. Local Government in Europe - The 'fourth level' in the EU multilayered system of governance :369-416 Routledge. Abingdon 9780415580007

Panara C. 2012. Casamance Conflict Wolfrum R. Encyclopaedia of Public International Law 1 :1143-1153 Oxford University Press. Oxford 978-0-19-929168-7

Panara C. 2012. Peaceful Coexistence Wolfrum R. Encyclopaedia of Public International Law 8 :185-193 Oxford University Press 978-0-19-929168-7 Publisher Url

Panara C. 2012. Back to the Basics of Fundamental Rights: An Appraisal of State-Imposed Symbols in Light of the ECHR and of Italian Constitutional Law Temperman J. The Lautsi Papers – Multidisciplinary Reflections on Religious Symbols in the Public School Classroom BRILL/Martinus Nijhoff. Boston/NY

Panara C. 2011. Chapter 6 Germany: A cooperative solution to the challenge of the European integration The Role of the Regions in EU Governance :133-156 DOI Publisher Url

Panara C, De Becker A. 2011. The Role of the Regions in the European Union: The 'Regional Blindness' of Both the EU and the Member States Panara C, De Becker A. The Role of the Regions in EU Governance :297-346 Springer. Heidelberg 9783642119026 DOI

Panara C. 2009. Principles and Values of the Common Foreign and Security Policy: What’s the Legal ‘Soul’ of the Second Pillar of the EU? Frenkel DA, Gerner-Beuerle C. Challenges of the Law in a Permeable World :193-204 ATINER. Athens 978-9-606-67253-8

Panara C. 2008. Die offene Staatlichkeit - Italien von Bogdandy A, Huber PM, Cruz Villalón P. Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum II :143-176 C.F. Müller Verlag. Heidelberg

Books (edited)

2024. The new relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union Panara C, Guinchard E. Springer. Heidelberg

2013. The ´Arab Spring´: New Patterns for Democracy and International Law Panara C, Wilson G. BRILL/Martinus Nijhoff. Boston and NY 9789004230415

Journal article

Panara C. 2022. Subsidiarity vs. Autonomy in the EU European Public Law, 28 :269-296 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2021. The activities in Brussels of the local and regional authorities from European Free Trade Area countries Regional and Federal Studies, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2019. The ‘Europe with the Regions’ Before the Court of Justice Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 26 :271-293 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C, Varney M. 2017. Multi-Level Governance in the EU and EU Democracy: Democratic Legitimacy, Democratic Accountability and Transparency of the European Offices of the English Local Authorities in Brussels Regional and Federal Studies, 27 :153-170 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2016. Multi-Level Governance as a Constitu-tional Principle in the EU Legal System Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, 16 :705-741 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2016. The Contribution of Local and Regional Authorities to a 'Good' System of Governance within the EU Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 23 :611-634 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2016. The Enforceability of Subsidiarity in the EU and the Ethos of Cooperative Federalism European Public Law, 22 :305-331 Publisher Url Public Url

Panara C. 2012. La participación de los länder alemanes en el proceso de toma de decisiones de la UE Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, :25-38

Panara C. 2012. Back to the basics of fundamental rights: An appraisal of the grand chamber's judgment in lautsi in light of the echr and Italian constitutional law Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights, 11 :301-325 DOI Publisher Url

Panara C. 2011. Another defeat for the principle of secularism: Recent developments on the display of the crucifix in Italian courtrooms Religion and Human Rights, 6 :259-265 DOI Publisher Url

Panara C. 2011. In the name of God: State and religion in contemporary Italy Religion and Human Rights, 6 :75-104 DOI Publisher Url

Panara C. 2011. Lautsi v. Italy: The Display of Religious symbols by the State European Public Law, 17 :139-168 Publisher Url

Panara C. 2010. In the Name of Cooperation: The External Relations of the German Lander and Their Participation in the EU Decision-Making EUROPEAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW REVIEW, 6 :59-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Panara C. 2009. 9/11 Scenarios and the Question of the Foundation of the Democratic State: The State for the Human Person or the Human Person for the State? PLURALIST, 4 :82-90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Panara C. 2008. I poteri impliciti nel federalismo tedesco del Grundgesetz Quaderni costituzionali, XXVIII :425-450

Panara C. 2008. The German Länder in the Process of European Integration between Föderalismusreform and Reform Treaty European Public Law, 14 :585-614

Panara C, Varney M. 2008. Una breve introduzione sull´origine e l´evoluzione della devolution e del decentramento politico ed amministrativo nel Regno Unito Nuove autonomie, 7 :193-197

Panara C. 2007. Il diritto internazionale nell´ordinamento interno: quid iuris?, V

Panara C. 2007. La delimitazione delle sfere di competenza del Bund e dei Länder nella giurisprudenza del Bundesverfassungsgericht tra "dogmi" superati ed assenza di una "teoria generale" Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, IX :1527-1546

Panara C. 2006. Il rapporto tra il finanziamento pubblico dei partiti politici ed il principio di uguaglianza delle chances: i casi tedesco ed italiano Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, VIII :183-200

Panara C. 2006. I dilemmi del dopo 11 settembre: l´abbattimento "preventivo" degli aerei usati per attacchi suicidi è compatibile con la tutela costituzionale del diritto alla vita? Una risposta parzialmente negativa viene dal Bundesverfassungsgericht Giurisprudenza costituzionale, LI :285-299

Panara C. 2006. I vincoli derivanti dall´ordinamento comunitario cinque anni dopo: quid novi? Quaderni costituzionali, 26 :796-799

Panara C. 2005. Germania: la crisi di governo in corso, in: Forum di Quaderni costituzionali Forum di Quaderni costituzionali,


Panara C, Varney M. 2016. A Study on the Transparency and Accountability of the European Offices of the English Local Authorities in Brussels: Synthesising and Developing Good Practice – Draft good practice guidance A Study on the Transparency and Accountability of the European Offices of the English Local Authorities in Brussels: Synthesising and Developing Good Practice – Draft good practice guidance

Panara C, Varney M. 2014. Promoting ´openness´ and ´closeness´ of the EU to the citizen: preliminary thoughts on how to enhance the role of Merseyside Brussels Office in ´bringing Europe home´ Promoting ´openness´ and ´closeness´ of the EU to the citizen: preliminary thoughts on how to enhance the role of Merseyside Brussels Office in ´bringing Europe home´

Panara C, Attanasi A, Lenzi E, Placidi V, Rando R. 2003. L’attuazione del nuovo Titolo V della Costituzione italiana nelle aree legislative dell’agricoltura, della sanità, della finanza pubblica, delle infrastrutture e dell’energia L’attuazione del nuovo Titolo V della Costituzione italiana nelle aree legislative dell’agricoltura, della sanità, della finanza pubblica, delle infrastrutture e dell’energia

Books (authored)

Panara C. 2015. The Sub-national Dimension of the EU: A Legal Study of Multi-Level Governance Springer Verlag. Berlin and Heidelberg 978-3-319-14588-4 DOI Publisher Url

Panara C, Varney M. 2013. Local government in Europe: The ‘fourth level’ in the EU multilayered system of governance :1-422 DOI Publisher Url

Panara C. 2013. The 'Arab spring': Constitutionalism and international law 82 :ix-xi

Panara C, De Becker A, Villamena S, Thies A, Bovis C, Ricci S, Van Nuffel P, Eberhard H, Varney MR, Colom J, Chicharro Lazaro A, Eggermont F. 2011. The Role of the Regions in EU Governance Panara C, De Becker A. Springer. Heidelberg/Berlin DOI Publisher Url

Panara C. 2008. Il federalismo tedesco della Legge Fondamentale dalla cooperazione alla competizione Aracne. Rome

Book review

Panara C. 2003. Ugo De Siervo (ed.), Costituzionalizzare l´Europa ieri ed oggi, Bologna, il Mulino, 2001 Teoria del Diritto e dello Stato, 2003 :377-378

External collaboration:

Korea Legislation Research Institute, Dr Hun-min Park. 2015

University of Perugia, Dr Daniele David. 2015

Hacettepe University, Turkey, Dr Ugur Sadioglu and Dr Kadir Dedi. 2015

Free University Brussels, Prof. Dr. Alexander De Becker. 2008

Hull University, Michael Varney. 2008

Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg, Germany, Prof. Dr. Armin von Bogdandy. 2006

Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg, Germany, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Wolfrum. 2006

External PGR examinations performed:

Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, PhD. 2015

Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy, PhD. 2013

Industrial connections:

Offices and representations of the English local authorities in Brussels, Research on the role of these offices in EU law-making and on accountability and transparency of these organisations. Linked to the following activities: - Research report to the Merseyside Brussels Office: C. Panara and M. Varney "Promoting openness and closeness of the EU to the citizen: preliminary thoughts on how to enhance the role of Merseyside Brussels Office in bringing Europe home" (Sept 2014). - Monograph "The Sub-national Dimension of the EU" (Springer: 2015). - Conference paper 45th Annual UACES Conference, Bilbao, Sept 2015. Title of paper: "Democratising Multi-Level Governance in the EU by Promoting Democratic Legitimacy, Accountability and Transparency of the European Offices of the English Local Authorities in Brussels" (with M. Varney). - British Academy Small Grant application (Oct 2015 - still pending).. 2014


Forschungsstipendium für erfahrene Wissenschaftler (Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers), Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation). 2014

Post-Doc Research Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). 2005

Research Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). 2004

Research Fellow of the Istituto Pio della Sapienza, Istituto Pio della Sapienza, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy. 2003

Research Fellow of the Houses of the Italian Parliament, Italian Parliament. 2003

Conference organisation:

The EU five years after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, Organiser. 2013

The Arab Spring, Co-organiser along with Dr Gary Wilson. 2011

Teaching qualification:

PGCertHE. 2009
