Image of Dr Hannah Baumeister

Dr Hannah Baumeister

School of Law

Faculty of Business and Law

I joined LJMU in September 2021 as a Lecturer in Law. I am also the editor of the LJMU Student Law Journal.

Prior to this, I worked as a lecturer, fellow and tutor in European Cultural History, Law, and Gender and Security in Germany, Mauritius and the UK.

In the academic year 2023/24, I teach International Criminal Law and lead Family and Child Law.

My research focuses on (conflict-related) gender-based violence, its causes, consequences and ways of addressing. While my early research examined the psycho-social work with survivors of war rape in the former Yugoslavia, my doctoral research centred on legal responses. It analysed the politics behind the international criminalisation of war rape and forced marriage in times of armed conflict under the statute of the International Criminal Court. In 2023, I won AHRC Follow-On Funding for Impact and Engagement to develop a comic about forced marriage to teach young teenagers about this harmful practice and support their development as allies to those at risk or already experiencing it. You can find out more about the project here: My broader research interests include the intersections between forced marriage and modern slavery, the role of civil society in law making and conflict-related justice, non-violent conflict resolution, transitional justice, and visual representations, especially of conflicts and women. Geographically, my work focuses on the Western Balkans and Sub-Saharan Africa, especially Rwanda, Uganda, the DRC, CAR, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.




2016, Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom, PhD Law
2011, Swansea University, United Kingdom, MA War and Society
2010, University of Bremen, Germany, BA Integrated European Studies

Journal article

Baumeister H, Carabine A. 2024. Drawing on forced marriage The Law Teacher, :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McCabe H, Stickle W, Baumeister H. 2022. Forced Marriage and Modern Slavery: Analysing Marriage as a “Choiceless Choice” Journal of Modern Slavery, 7 :33-57 Publisher Url Public Url

Baumeister H. 2019. Drawing on genocide Law and Humanities, 13 :3-28 DOI Publisher Url

Baumeister H. Forced Marriage Real Simple Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, 1 :25-47 DOI Publisher Url

Baumeister H. Legal Deteminism or Progressive Politics – The ICC Negotiations of War Rape and Forced Marriage Cambrian Law Review,

Internet publication

Baumeister H, Carabine A. 2024. Picture this: How can comics teach about forced marriage? Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2024. Conflict-related forced marriage in Army Of God: Joseph Kony’s War in Central Africa Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2023. A Statutory Definition of “Honour”-Based Abuse Publisher Url

Baumeister H, Brown E. 2023. I Choose: Let's Talk About Forced Marriage Publisher Url Public Url

Baumeister H, Brown E, Carabine A, Qassim A. 2023. I Choose: Let’s talk About Forced Marriage Educator Guidance Publisher Url Public Url

Baumeister H. 2023. A Review of Daria: A Roma Woman’s Journey Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2023. So You Want to Make a Comic 2: How we did it Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2023. M and Others v Italy and Bulgaria: Traditions of Forced Marriage? Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2023. A Review (or something) of Team Muhafiz and the Child Raiders Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2023. Even Superheroes Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2023. “I do – not”: An Introduction to Forced Marriage Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2020. Graphic Novels: Drawing on Peacebuilding Publisher Url

Baumeister H. 2019. Researching the inner workings of the International Criminal Court Publisher Url

Book review

Baumeister H. 2024. Sara De Vido and Micaela Frulli (ed), Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence: A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention, Cheltenham UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2023, 929 pp, Hardback, ISBN: 9781839107740 Liverpool Law Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Baumeister H. 2024. Drawing on Forced Marriage: Teaching Tough Topics Through Comics DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Books (authored)

Baumeister H. 2018. Sexualised Crimes, Armed Conflict and the Law The International Criminal Court and the Definitions of Rape and Forced Marriage 9781315111490

Media Coverage:

Interview with BBC Radio Merseyside about Drawing on Forced Marriage project 2024

Asha Patel & Shannon Samecki, 'Forced marriage comic made to "get students talking"' (BBC News) 2024

Helen McCabe and Karma Nirvana speak about Drawing on Forced Marriage project on BBC Radio Nottingham 2024

LJMU Corporate Comms, Forced marriage explored in new comic for school children 2024

Faith Pring, Issues of forced marriage explored in new comic designed for school children (University of Nottingham Press release) 2024

Conference presentation:

Drawing on Forced Marriage, SLSA 2024, Oral presentation. 2024

Forced Marriage and Human Rights, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Oral presentation. 2022

“To Have and to Hold”: Forced Marriage, Modern Slavery and National Legislation of the UN Member States, Slavery Past, Present and Future, Oral presentation. 2021

‘Choiceless Choices’: Consent, Agency, and Marriage, Modern Histories of Consent, Intimacy, and Law Symposium, Oral presentation. 2021

“To have and to hold”: Forced marriage, modern slavery and national legislation of EU countries, SLSA, Oral presentation. 2021

Gender and Violence, Modern Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking: Research Roadmaps to 2030, Oral presentation. 2020

What is Forced Marriage?, Modern Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking: Research Roadmaps to 2030, Poster presentation. 2020

Drawing on Genocide, SLSA, Oral presentation. 2019

How to unravel the process of defining war rape and forced marriage in times of armed conflict under the statute of the International Criminal Court, Enslavement, Conflict and Forced Marriage in Africa: Research Methods, Research Ethics, and the Political Economy of Knowledge Production, Oral presentation. 2018

Forced marriage in times of armed conflict – A form of sexual slavery?, Between Slavery and Post-slavery: Citizenship, Dependence, and Abolitionism in African and Indian Ocean Societies, Oral presentation. 2018

Progressive politics or legal determinism? Sexualised crimes and the ICC negotiations, Women in and at War, Oral presentation. 2016

Painting a picture: forced marriage, Women in and at War, Oral presentation. 2014

Drawing on Forced Marriage, Visualizing Law and Gender, Oral presentation. 2014

Women in the Military - Forced Wives in Fighting Groups?, Behind the Lines: Gender in the Bunker of International Security and Defence?, Oral presentation. 2013

External collaboration:

University of Nottingham, Helen McCabe. 2024

Childwall Sports and Science Academy, Anja Koermer. 2023

Karma Nirvana, Rowena Fletcher. 2023

Nottingham City Council, Catherine Kirk. 2023

Nottingham Girls Academy, Ruth Gangneux. 2023

Savera UK, Afrah Qassim. 2023

Touch the Sun, Emma Brown. 2023


VC Awards for Research and Knowledge Exchange - Excellence in Knowledge Exchange, LJMU Faculty of Business and Law. 2023

Outstanding Postgraduate Teaching Award. 2014

Public engagement:

Other: Please specify in text box below, school children, special interest groups, Organiser, Drawing on Forced Marriage, Feedback meetings and comic-based workshops. 2023

Conference organisation:

Elimination of Violence against Women Conference. 2018

Human Rights Symposium. 2017

Elimination of Violence against Women Conference. 2016

Human Rights Symposium. 2015

Teaching qualification:

Fellow Higher Education Academy. 2017

Research Grants Awarded:

Aberystwyth University, Unravelling the Process of Defining War Rape and Forced Marriage in Times of Armed Conflict Under the Statute of the International Criminal C0ort: Actors and Sturtcures, Grant value (£): 56,000.

AHRC, Drawing on Forced Marriage: Teaching Tough Topics Through Comics, Grant value (£): 60,000.

Other Professional Activity:

Advisory Board Member for Research, Savera UK.

Editorial boards:

LJMU Student Law Journal, Editor.
