Image of Dr Greg Keenan

Dr Greg Keenan

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

My key research interests are:
1. Understanding why food insecurity (not knowing if you will have enough food to eat at your next meal) is associated with weight gain. With the number of people experiencing food poverty increasing, it is critical to identify the mechanisms underpinning this association. This will help with the development of potential countermeasures.
2. Looking for ways to promote sustainable diets. It is estimated that the global demand for food will increase by 60% by the year 2050. This demand far outstrips our current global potential for food production, particularly in terms of meat. It is essential we identify effective ways to change consumer behaviours and identify interventions.
3. Seeking to understand how and why environmental cues promote overconsumption. For example, the presence of larger portion sizes, distraction, or variety within meals (e.g. all you can eat buffets)

Journal article

Gough T, Christiansen P, Hardman CA, Keenan GS. 2024. The development and validation of the food insecurity physical activity concerns scale Appetite, 200 :107516-107516 DOI Publisher Url

Keenan GS, Royle WS, Marrow L, Scholey A, Benson S, Owen LJ. 2024. The association between COVID-19 related income loss and diet quality: The mediating role of distress Appetite, 200 :107570-107570 DOI Publisher Url

Blanchard AE, Keenan G, Heym N, Sumich A. 2023. COVID-19 prevention behaviour is differentially motivated by primary psychopathy, grandiose narcissism and vulnerable Dark Triad traits Personality and Individual Differences, 204 :112060-112060 DOI Publisher Url

Keenan GS, Christiansen P, Owen LJ, Hardman CA. 2022. The association between COVID-19 related food insecurity and weight promoting eating behaviours: The mediating role of distress and eating to cope Appetite, 169 :105835-105835 DOI Publisher Url

Keenan GS, Christiansen P, Hardman CA. 2021. Household Food Insecurity, Diet Quality, and Obesity: An Explanatory Model Obesity, 29 :143-149 DOI Publisher Url

Keenan G, Sheen F, Haynes A, Hardman C. 2020. Are participants aware of how external factors might influence their intake? PsyArXiv, DOI

Puddephatt J-A, Keenan GS, Fielden A, Reaves DL, Halford JCG, Hardman CA. 2020. ‘Eating to survive’: A qualitative analysis of factors influencing food choice and eating behaviour in a food-insecure population Appetite, 147 :104547-104547 DOI Publisher Url

Robinson E, Henderson J, Keenan GS, Kersbergen I. 2019. When a portion becomes a norm: Exposure to a smaller vs. larger portion of food affects later food intake Food Quality and Preference, 75 :113-117 DOI Publisher Url

Keenan GS, Childs L, Rogers PJ, Hetherington MM, Brunstrom JM. 2018. The portion size effect: Women demonstrate an awareness of eating more than intended when served larger than normal portions Appetite, 126 :54-60 DOI Publisher Url

Keenan GS, Brunstrom JM, Ferriday D. 2015. Effects of meal variety on expected satiation: Evidence for a ‘perceived volume’ heuristic Appetite, 89 :10-15 DOI Publisher Url

Kostopoulou O, Russo JE, Keenan G, Delaney BC, Douiri A. 2012. Information Distortion in Physicians’ Diagnostic Judgments Medical Decision Making, 32 :831-839 DOI Publisher Url


Bertenshaw E, Robinson E, Keenan G. 2016. Remembered enjoyment and customer purchasing intentions
