Image of Dr Andy Moss

Dr Andy Moss

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science


Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD, Thesis title: The impact of exercise intensity on local and systemic hormonal and cytokine responses in the recreationally active young and old.
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MSc, Thesis title: Velocometer: a telemetry-based device to measure intra-push changes in racing wheelchair velocity.
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BSc, 2:1 (Hons), Exercise & Sport Science.

Journal article

Langan-Evans C, Hearris MA, Gallagher C, Long S, Thomas C, Moss AD, Cheung W, Howatson G, Morton JP. 2022. Nutritional Modulation of Sleep Latency, Duration, and Efficiency: A Randomised, Repeated-Measures, Double-Blind Deception Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 55 :289-300 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Carter SE, Draijer R, Stewart CE, Moss AD, Thijssen DHJ, Hopkins ND. 2021. Are acute sitting-induced changes in inflammation and cerebrovascular function related to impaired mood and cognition? Sport Sciences for Health, 17 :753-762 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Davis NL, Tolfrey K, Jenney M, Elson R, Stewart C, Moss AD, Cornish JM, Stevens MCG, Crowne EC. 2020. Combined resistance and aerobic exercise intervention improves fitness, insulin resistance and quality of life in survivors of childhood haemopoietic stem cell transplantation with total body irradiation Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 67 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Davis NL, Stewart CE, Moss AD, Woltersdorf WWW, Hunt LP, Elson RA, Cornish JM, Stevens MCG, Crowne EC. 2015. Growth hormone deficiency after childhood bone marrow transplantation with total body irradiation: interaction with adiposity and age CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 83 :508-517 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Yau AMW, Moss AD, James LJ, Gilmore W, Ashworth JJ, Evans GH. 2015. The influence of angiotensin converting enzyme and bradykinin receptor B-2 gene variants on voluntary fluid intake and fluid balance in healthy men during moderate-intensity exercise in the heat APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 40 :184-190 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Yau A, Moss AD, James LJ, Hynes J, Ashworth JJ, Evans GH. 2011. Serum angiotensin I-converting enzyme response to exercise; no differential effect of genotype British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 :A4.1-A4 DOI Publisher Url

Rittweger J, Moss AD, Colier W, Stewart C, Degens H. 2010. Muscle tissue oxygenation and VEGF in VO-matched vibration and squatting exercise Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 30 :269-278 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Goosey-Tolfrey VL, Moss AD. 2005. Wheelchair velocity of tennis players during propulsion with and without the use of racquets ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUARTERLY, 22 :291-301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Moss AD, Fowler NE, Goosey-Tolfrey VL. 2005. The intra-push velocity profile of the over-ground racing wheelchair sprint start JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, 38 :15-22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Moss AD, Fowler NE, Tolfrey VL. 2003. A telemetry-based velocometer to measure wheelchair velocity JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, 36 :253-257 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Conference publication

Langan-Evans C, Hearris M, Gallagher C, Long S, Thomas C, Cheung W, Howatson G, Moss A, Morton J. 2022. A Novel Nutritional Blend Improves Subjective & Objective Measures of Sleep In Male and Female Participants: A Randomised Counterbalanced, Repeated Measures Crossover, Double Blind Deception Study European College of Sport Science Congress
