Dr James Ohman
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: J.C.Ohman@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2143
Senior Lecturer in Palaeoanthropology, Liverpool John Moores University, School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Jan 1999 - present.
Research Associate, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Department of Physical Anthropology, 1993 - present.
Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Biological Anthropology, Kent State University, United States, - 1993.
M.A. in Anthropology, Kent State University, United States, - 1984.
B.Sc. in Geology, University of Minnesota, United States, - 1980.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/James_Ohman
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/james-ohman/6a/448/363
Academia.edu: https://ljmu.academia.edu/JamesOhman
1993, Kent State University, United States, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Biological Anthropology
1984, Kent State University, United States, M.A. in Anthropology
1980, University of Minnesota, United States, B.Sc. in Geology
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Palaeoanthropology, School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 1999 - present
Lecturer in Palaeoanthropology and Functional Morphology, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Liverpool, 1996 - 1998
Research Associate, Department of Physical Anthropology, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1993 - present
Research Associate, Division of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Maxillofacial Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, 1993 - 1996
Conference publication
Ohman JC, Davenport CAL. 2019. Comparative palaeodemography of medieval British archaeological populations, with reference the Libben Site, Ottawa County, Ohio AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 88th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 168 :180-180 Author Url
Davenport CAL, Ohman JC, Borrini M. 2017. Changing Impact Angles: The Mechanics Involved in Blunt Force Cranial Trauma and Their Importance in Investigating Curb-Stomping Cases Proceedings American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017. 23 :115-116 Publisher Url Public Url
Rennie SR, Clegg M, Ohman JC. 2015. Hips don't lie: A multivariate approach to hominid sex determination from the pelvis AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 84th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists 156 :265-266 Author Url
Burrell CL, Dove ER, Emery MM, Ohman JC. 2015. Teeth versus bones: A review of biological age from dental development and long bone diaphyseal growth in subadult human remains AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 84th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists 156 :96-96 Author Url
Dove ER, Burrell CL, Ohman JC, Irish JD. 2015. A (w)hole new idea: Using nutrient foramen location to identify relative growth and the center of ossification in juvenile tibiae AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 84th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists 156 :123-123 Author Url
Ohman JC, Jiménez-López JC, Pompa JA. 2002. New evidence from Mexico about early human presence in the New World Primer Simposio Internacional El Hombre Temprano en América y sus Implicaciones en la Cuenca de México Programa :12
Gallagher A, Ohman JC. 1998. The empirical basis for ecogeographical patterning in Homo sapiens: A re-evaluation of the evidence Raath MA, Soodyall H, Barkhan D, Kuykendall KL, Tobias PV. Dual Congress 1998 (International Association for the Study of Human Palaeontology; International Association of Human Biologists) :p. 80-81 (Abstract)
Ohman JC, Wood C, Wood B, Crompton RH, Günther MM, Yu L, Savage R, Wang W. 1998. Stature estimates for KNM-WT 15000 Raath MA, Soodyall H, Barkhan D, Kuykendall KL, Tobias PV. Dual Congress 1998 (International Association for the Study of Human Palaeontology; International Association of Human Biologists) :85-(Abstract)
Tuy HK, Krochta TJ, Ohman JC. 1989. Cutting a 3-D object from its 3-D image Dwyer III SJ, Jost RG, Schneider RH. SPIE Proceedings, 1989 Medical Imaging 1091 :305-305 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Gomez-Olivencia A, Quam R, Sala N, Bardey M, Ohman JC, Balzeau A. 2018. La Ferrassie 1: New perspectives on a “classic” Neandertal Journal of Human Evolution, 117 :13-32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO, White TD. 2005. Questions about Orrorin femur SCIENCE, 307 :845-845 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO, White TD, Eckhardt RB, Galik K, Kuperavage AJ. 2005. Questions about Orrorin femur [1] (multiple letters) Science, 307 :845 DOI
Gonzalez S, Jiménez-López JC, Hedges R, Huddart D, Ohman JC, Turner A, Pompa y Padilla JA. 2003. Earliest humans in the Americas: new evidence from México. J Hum Evol, 44 :379-387 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO. 2003. Asymmetry in the humeri of tennis players: Wolffs Law' or not? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, :161-161 Author Url
Lovejoy CO, Meindl RS, Ohman JC, Heiple KG, White TD. 2002. The maka femur and its bearing on the antiquity of human walking: Applying contemporary concepts of morphogenesis to the human fossil record AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 119 :97-133 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Turner A, Gonzalez S, Ohman JC. 2002. Prehistoric human and ungulate remains from Preston Docks, Lancashire, UK: Problems of river finds JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 29 :423-433 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ohman JC, Wood C, Wood B, Crompton RH, Günther MM, Yu L, Savage R, Wang W. 2002. Stature-at-death of KNM-WT 15000 Human Evolution, 17 :129-141 DOI Publisher Url
Latimer B, Ohman JC. 2001. Axial dysplasia in Homo erectus JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 40 :A12-A12 Author Url
Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO. 2001. The shape of a long bone's shaft: bending stress or growth plate form? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, :115-115 Author Url
Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO, Simpson SW, Latimer BL. 2000. Skeletal variability and functional morphology. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, :242-243 Author Url
Lawrence-Tayler JP, Ohman JC. 1998. Hand positions in human climbing American Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Ohman JC, Mensforth RP. 1998. Rethinking the evolution of the human hand American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 26 :172-173 (abstract)
Ohman JC, Krochta TJ, Lovejoy CO, Mensforth RP, Latimer B. 1997. Cortical bone distribution in the femoral neck of hominoids: Implications for the locomotion of Australopithecus afarensis American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 104 :117-131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gallagher A, Ohman JC. 1997. Is there an empirical basis for ecogeographical patterning in Homo sapiens? Abstracts, Theoretical Anthropology Group Annual Conference 1997, :29-(Abstract)
Ohman JC, Mensforth RP, Latimer B. 1997. Age-related osteopenia in Gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 24 :181-(abstract)
Ohman JC, Wood C, Wood B, Crompton RHC, Günther MM, Yu L, Savage R, Wang W. 1997. Body size and shape of KNM-WT 15000 Abstracts, Theoretical Anthropology Group Annual Conference 1997, :29-30 (Abstract)
Lovejoy CO, White TD, Cohn MJ, Ohman JC, Meindl RS. 1996. The Maka femur: A case study in the application of analytical paradigms dictated by new developments in morphological ontogeny American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 22 :152-(abstract)
Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO. 1996. Humeral and femoral structural allometry in hominoids American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 22 :179-180 (abstract)
Ohman JC. 1995. Computed software for a new noninvasive method of estimating long bone cross sectional geometric properties American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 20 :163-164 (abstract)
Ohman JC, Slanina ML, Baker G, Mensforth RP. 1995. Thumbs, Tools, and Early Humans Science, 268 :586-589
Ohman JC, Slanina M, Baker G, Mensforth RP. 1995. Thumbs, tools, and early humans Science, 268 :587-589 DOI Author Url
Latimer B, Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO, White TD, Suwa G. 1994. Australopithecus humerus from Maka, Ethiopia American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 18 :126-127 (abstract)
Ohman JC. 1994. Comparison of torsional strength measures in hominoid humeri and femora: The polar moment of inertia versus median area American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 18 :155-(abstract)
Ohman JC, Richstmeier JT. 1994. Perspectives on craniofacial growth Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 21 :489-499
Latimer B, Ohman JC, Mensforth RP. 1993. Cancellous bone mineral density gradient of the human vertebral column Calcified Tissue International, 52 :168-(abstract)
Lieberman JM, Ghanayem AJ, Ohman JC, Wilber JH, Motta AO, Orlando P. 1993. Effect of laparotomy and external fixator stabilization on pelvic volume in unstable pelvic fractures Radiology, 180(P) Supplement :259
Mensforth RP, Ohman JC, Latimer B. 1993. Osteoporosis related thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures Calcified Tissue International, 52 :176-(abstract)
Ohman JC. 1993. Computer software for estimating cross sectional geometric properties of long bones with concentric and eccentric elliptical models Journal of Human Evolution, 25 :217-227 DOI Publisher Url
Ohman JC, Krochta TJ, Latimer B, Lovejoy CO, Mensforth RP. 1993. Cortical distribution in the femoral neck of hominoids American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 16 :153-(abstract)
Piraino DW, Ohman JC, Richmond BJ, Kvach DJ, Schils JP, Behlobek GH, Recht MP. 1993. Solid bone model reconstruction for surgical planning and three-dimensional trabecular architecture evaluation Radiology, 189(P) Supplement :387
Wells NA, Ferber CT, Ohman JC. 1993. Discriminant function analysis of fish-bearing deposits in the Eocene Green River Formation of Utah and Wyoming Palaios, 8 :81-100
Mensforth RP, Latimer B, Ohman JC. 1992. Factors involved in the differential thoracolumbar distribution of osteoporosis related vertebral compression fractures American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 14 :122-(abstract)
Ohman JC, Latimer B, Mensforth RP, Lovejoy CO. 1992. Humeral and femoral cross sectional geometric properties in hominoids: Implications for A.L. 288-1 American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 14 :128-(abstract)
Bradrick JP, Smith AS, Ohman JC, Indresano AT. 1990. Estimation of maxillary alveolar cleft volume by 3-D computed tomography Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 14 :996-996
Johnson KK, Stears JC, Rubinstein D, Davids J, Burke M, Ohman JC. 1989. Three dimensional imaging in the evaluation of spine fractures Radiology, 173(P) Supplement :492
Kenn RW, Huber RM, Ohman JC, Geissler K, Wilker D, Pfeiffer KJ. 1989. Dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion von Weichteilgewebe aus CT-Scnitten Zentralblatt Radiologie, 138
Ohman JC, Latimer B, Tuy HK, Krochta TJ, Williams LJ. 1988. Thoracic and lumbar vertebral dimensions from CT three-dimensional imaging Radiology, 169(P) Supplement :256-(abstract)
Latimer B, Ohman JC, Lovejoy CO. 1987. Talocrural joint in African hominoids: Implications for Australopithecus afarensis American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 74 :155-175 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ohman JC. 1986. A statistical method for the stratigraphic correlation of tephra beds, based upon major and minor element composition of glass from electron microprobe analysis Geological Society of America: Absracts with Programs, 18 :317-(abstract)
Ohman JC. 1986. The first rib of hominids American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 70 :209-229 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ohman JC, Latimer B. 1986. A re-evaluation of phalangeal curvature measures in hominoids American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69 :247-(abstract)
Ohman JC. 1983. A change in the morphology in the cervico-thoracic region of the vertebral column in hominid evolution American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 60 :233-234 (abstract)
Burrell CL, Emery MM, Canavan SM, Ohman JC. 2018. Broken Bone: Trauma Analysis on a Medieval Population from Poulton, Cheshire Lee C, Turner WJ. Trauma in Medieval Society :71-91 Brill. Leiden/London 978-90-04-31012-4 DOI Publisher Url
Burrell C, Davenport CAL, Carpenter RJ, Ohman J. 2018. Biological Age Estimation of Non-Adult Human Skeletal Remains: Comparison of Dental Development with the Humerus, Femur, and Pars Basilaris Holst M, Alexander M. 2 :94-103 Oxbow Books
Kenn RW, Huber RM, Wilker D, Izbicki JR, Ohman J, Pfeifer KJ. 1990. Problems in three dimensional reconstruction of abdominal CT scans Arenson RL, Friedenberg RM. S/CAR 90 Computer Applications to Assist Radiology :556-561 Symposia Foundation
Ohman JC. 1984. Morphological Variation in the Cervico-Thoracic Region of the Vertebral Column in Modern Humans, Extant Apes, Fossil Hominids, and With Reference to Mammalia in General
Public engagement:
Other, Primary School Children, Lecture and demonstration of human osteology, Invited Speaker, St Catherine's C.E. Primary School, Greenstone Avenue, Horwich, Bolton BL6 5SJ, Mad Science Day 2017. 2017