Sharing Practice – Scribbles

This week I would like to share the practice of one of our EHC colleagues.

Last year Judith Enriquez introduced the concept of ‘Scribbles’ to her 5102 Ed Studies students. Essentially students were encouraged to write reflections about their current thinking within the Blackboard Journal tool. This, in turn, gave module tutors an opportunity to view and/or comment on said reflections. Judith kindly provides more information below:

I started using ‘Scribbles’ when I was in Texas. It was really effective. It serves the following objectives:

  • It captures student’s thinking without being confined with the proper structure of academic writing;
  • It provides the students a record of their own thought processes, which allows them to appreciate the iterative process of reflection and writing itself;
  • It is useful for me as the tutor/lecturer. It provides good feedback on both thoughts and feelings of student;
  • It is my way of resisting Bloom’s taxonomy, which privileges the cognitive domain!”

Having read through a number of these reflections it is lovely to see evidence of students engaging with course content in their own time and outside of an assessed piece of work. It also looks like an invaluable resource for the 5102 team when analysing student experiences and understanding on the module.

If you want to know more about Blackboard Journals generally please get in touch.  If you want to know more about the concept of ‘Scribbles’ and how Judith facilitated it, why not bend her ear over a coffee.

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