David Lamb
Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Find details for each of the presentations to be given at the Healthy Muscle Ageing Conference.
The Networking and Distributed Systems Research Group conducts research into building systems and frameworks for both networked appliance solutions and services. You can find out more about this research, the researchers and the contact details for this research group here.
The Department of Computer Science at Liverpool John Moores University is being funded for a project on cyber security and computer forensics by the Royal Academy of Engineering through the Newton Collaborative Fund.
Researchers from MEMARC specialise in the area of dynamics and control systems.
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Materials and resources on Neurodiversity, covering support for individuals, guidance for managers and general information on neuroinclusion.
There are a number of initiatives and organisations that support employers to ensure that their recruitment process and working practices do not discriminate against jobseekers and employees with a disability or long-term health condition.
Staff Doctoral Research Network within the The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education.