Travelling to IC1 Liverpool Science Park
Here you will find information about travelling to the IC1 Liverpool Science Park including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the IC1 Liverpool Science Park including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Need more information about the work conducted at the Public Health Institute? Get in touch with us via to find out about LJMU’s Public Health Institute.
Learn about your postgraduate fees and funding options at LJMU, with tips on managing your finances effectively.
School of Psychology
The MPharm Pharmacy programme offers students the opportunity to develop as a key healthcare practitioner with an advanced understanding of the science-basis for practice, leading students to become an 'expert in medicines'.
Find out more about Secondary care, maternity care and sexual health services available to asylum seekers and refugees.
This occupation is found in the maritime sector in ports, harbours and marinas of varying size, from a major gateway for international trade to a single jetty jutting out into a river or sea.
Need more information about the work conducted at the Astrophysics Research Institute? Get in touch with us via the links on this page.
This CPD course will provide the skills and knowledge required to ensure safe and effective practice as an independent prescriber.
This CPD course will provide the skills and knowledge required to ensure safe and effective practice as an independent prescriber.