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  1. Johnny Ball

    Read the oration for Johnny Ball on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  2. Dr Pooja Saini

    Pooja is a Reader in Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention in the School of Psychology, having joined LJMU in 2018. For more than a decade, her dedication to researching suicide has taken her out of the lecture theatre and into the field, playing a vital role in helping to establish James’ Place, the first safe, accessible service for suicidal men in community settings.

  3. Louise Shepherd CBE

    Louise is the Chief Executive of Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust and has a distinguished NHS career spanning more than 30 years. In 2023, she became an honorary fellow of LJMU in recognition of her transformative, visionary leadership in healthcare for the benefit of young people.

  4. Alex Medlicott

    Alex is the Co-founder and Director of Liverpool Arts Bar on Hope Street and in the Baltic Triangle, founded with the ethos of supporting and developing grassroots artists across the city, giving them a platform to showcase and celebrate their work. Along with three fellow LJMU graduates, they opened the bar in 2019, survived the Covid-19 pandemic and can now boast that they have the city’s go-to venues for creatives.

  5. Liverpool culture

    Learn why Liverpool is a European Capital of Culture, and immerse yourself in world-class art, music, and the performing arts.

  6. Kathryn Smith

    Find out more information about Kathryn Smith, including their areas of expertise, research publications and contact details.