It might appear to be a daunting task to try and publish a piece of work on your own, find out why it may be worthwhile to think about publishing with others and working in writing teams.
It might appear to be a daunting task to try and publish a piece of work on your own, find out why it may be worthwhile to think about publishing with others and working in writing teams.
Find out ways to enhance the visibility of your academic writing
Professor Barry Drust introduces RISES 20 Years, 20 Stories.
The Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory helps local businesses by creating innovative low carbon goods, processes and services. Read the case studies to find out who we work with and how we have helped these businesses.
Reading for Wellbeing
The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober book review
A Standard Visit visa can be used for purposes such as studying a course of less than 6 months, coming to do re-sits, tourism or for your family and friends to come and visit you.
Discover what you will need to be able to settle into life as a student in the UK.
Find out important information on visas required for study in the UK.
Advice for students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Nigeria who are required to take a Pre-CAS interview.