Opening hours | LJMU Sports Centre
See the opening hours for the LJMU Sports Centre.
See the opening hours for the LJMU Sports Centre.
Out of hours access
Log into CRM, LJMU's customer relationship management system.
Qualitative Analysis in Action provides open access to interviews undertaken with inspirational women of Nepal. Read the interviews and find out more about the project.
Get specific information on funding for teacher training courses at LJMU and start your teaching career with financial confidence.
See resources and advice on maintaining a healthy weight and how to manage your diet.
Find out more about updating your profile photo. We have begun publishing all staff and student security card photos into AD/Azure. This means that the images will appear in Office 365, specifically Outlook and Teams.
While targeted towards men, the information on this page might be relevant to some transgender, non-binary and intersex people. We encourage all staff to share the information amongst their family, friends and colleagues. See the support and advice available to you.
Estate Management provide a comprehensive, customer focused, professional switchboard service Monday – Friday.
See advice on how to get a better night’s sleep. You may have found that you have slipped into bad habits, such as binge-watching TV series or spending more time on social media immediately before bed.