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  1. Five ways to enhance your CV over the summer

    With the academic year drawing to a close for most students, and summer almost upon us, the Student Futures team highlight ways you can expand your skill set, knowledge or experience base over the summer in order to enhance your CV.

  2. Addressing gender imbalance within higher education

    For the fourth lecture in LJMU's Athena Lecture Series, three speakers from STEMM and non STEMM backgrounds presented to a packed lecture theatre comprising academics, students, professionals and Year 9 pupils from four local schools.

  3. Staying safe online

    While the internet is a necessary and brilliant tool, it’s increasingly important to be aware of your online identity. We’ve got some tips to help you stay safe online and protect your online reputation.

  4. REF 2021 Consideration for Individual Circumstances

    As part of the Universitys commitment to supporting equality and diversity in the forthcoming Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), we have put in place safe and supportive structures for eligible academic staff to declare information about any equality-related circumstances that may have affected their ability to research productively during the assessment period (1 January 2014 31 December 2020).