The Cube Sea Air and Wrecks New Paintings by John Hyatt
Dark Side Art Lab and The Cube are the first projects from The Dark Side.
Dark Side Art Lab and The Cube are the first projects from The Dark Side.
Keeping our digital data safe is serious. All students and staff should look after their data and privacy online. Strong passwords are an essential defence against unauthorised access to your online accounts. Creating a strong, long, complex password will reduce the potential for a cybercriminal to access your data.
More than 1,000 students celebrated their achievements with family and friends on the first day of LJMU’s spring graduation ceremonies.
Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory selected by OECD to share learnings on impact on sustainability of Higher Education and research institutes.
LJMU is "a mother of the city" says the Mowgli entrepreneur
The evolution of the menopause was ‘kick-started’ by a fluke of nature, but then boosted by the tendency for sons and grandsons to remain living close to home, a new study by Liverpool scientists suggests.
The Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotheram, has become the first Alumni Ambassador Fellow of Liverpool John Moores University.
Experts from Liverpool Business School are to guide a local firm's ambitions in the pre-owned kitchens business.
Drone research at LJMU is branching out into new areas including working with Google Maps and Google Earth engines and introducing a ‘Civic Drones programme’ for the business community.
LJMU’s Face Lab has unveiled a digital reconstruction of the face of a Seventeenth century Scottish Soldier whose body was discovered at a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013.