Search the LJMU website

  1. Fact sheet for 2024/2025

    Find the latest key information and contact details for our LJMU student exchange programme in 2024/2025.

  2. What our students say

    Find out what our students have to say about the Business and Law Placement Support Unit.

  3. Student support

    Get the help and targeted support you need from our Student Advice and Wellbeing team at LJMU. Enjoy university happiness and success with student support.

  4. Care-experienced students

    Discover the dedicated support for care leavers at LJMU. Learn about the help available and start your higher education journey with confidence.

  5. Student attendance

    Access the Student Attendance Monitoring portal - find attendance documentation and reports

  6. About our students

    Find out more information about how LLB Law students can work in the LAC through every stage of their degree to help develop their skills.