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  1. Sponsors

    Take a look at the sponsors for the 25th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference.

  2. Committee

    See the organising committee for the GP2A – Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l’Arc Atlantique conference.

  3. Copyright notice

    Information about the content displayed on this website and its copyright status.

  4. Maritime SuperSkills

    Find out more about the Maritime Superskills Project. With over 90% of UK goods being delivered by ship it’s therefore no surprise that the maritime sector is vast and offers opportunities in diverse roles requiring a wide-range of skills.

  5. Maritime SuperSkills education

    The maritime sector on Merseyside is one of the largest and broadest in the UK. There are more jobs based in Liverpool city centre with major container lines than anywhere else outside of London. Explore the career information and educational resources we have to offer.

  6. Maritime employers

    Through the Maritime SuperSkills Project, the Liverpool City-Region (LCR) is investing support in businesses to develop high-level apprenticeship standards that are in line with City-Region growth sectors.

  7. Maritime careers – Maritime SuperSkills

    A career in the maritime industry can extend onshore into vital shore-based ship management roles and a whole host of other related jobs. Some of these include ship superintendent, ports services and management, marine surveyor and ship broker.

  8. Calendars and timetables

    This section provides students with the Academic Calendar for the current and upcoming year. Plus you can access your timetable.