Travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Welcome to our IT help and support section for staff. Here you can see all of the IT services available to you to work from home or on campus as well as information about managing your LJMU account and how to report an IT fault or ask an IT related question.
Welcome to our IT help and support section for students. Here you can see all of the IT services available to you to work from home or on campus as well as information about managing your LJMU account and how to ask an IT related question.
Email lists
See the LJMU Principles of Partnership.
Published Information and Open Data
Professor Mark Power, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University.
Learn more about the work our Research and Innovation Services department does within LJMU.
Need financial help? Find out how to reach LJMU's Money Advice team for expert guidance on managing your finances.
Worried about money? Discover our resources for money advice to help you make ends meet during your studies.