Talk synopses for the Healthy Muscle Ageing Conference
Find details for each of the presentations to be given at the Healthy Muscle Ageing Conference.
Find details for each of the presentations to be given at the Healthy Muscle Ageing Conference.
School of Psychology
As a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Violence Prevention, the Public Health Institute works to support effective violence prevention by helping partners understand the impacts of violence, identify risk groups, choose preventative measures and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
The Public Health Institute provides the expertise to inform the delivery and development of interventions and services to those programmes that address food, physical activity, women's health, health of refugees and asylum seekers, mental health and employment.
The Public Health Institute delivers the intelligence and evidence to inform public health policy and practice.
Many large employers are becoming more proactive to recruit candidates with disabilities, neurodiversity and long-term health conditions. Some run their own schemes targeting disabled applicants, while others work with specialist organisations that manage the recruitment process on their behalf.
Faculty of Health
Astrophysics Research Institute
General Engineering Research Institute
Astrophysics Research Institute