Performance Indicators and Benchmarking
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Report and Support is LJMU's harassment and sexual misconduct reporting platform.
ILM Level 4 Certificate in Leadership and Management
Academic Planning & Information Services forms part of the Academic Registry delivering key services to faculties, service teams and external statutory bodies.
The LJMU Women Professors Network is for all female academics at Professorial level.
Leadership and Management Development Programme
Evaluation of new and existing roles
The purpose of the Being Lean and Seen project is to advance project management knowledge with the end goal of helping people deliver successful projects.
Welcome to the LJMU staff wellbeing hub, here you will find a range of internal and external support, guidance, self-help literature, advice and tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Lennon Art and Design Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.