Useful links - PLSU Science
Read through our list of useful websites that can help support you with your placement journey.
Read through our list of useful websites that can help support you with your placement journey.
American students interested in studying at LJMU can apply for a private loan via Sallie Mae. Find out the application process and eligibility requirements for private loans.
If your anxiety is affecting your daily life and is causing you to avoid certain situations, it might be helpful to recognise it and seek support. Find out more about the resources that are available.
It is normal for our mood to fluctuate and for us to experience low mood from time to time. Low mood can include feeling sad, anxious, worried, tired, or even angry. Find out what resources are available if you are suffering from low mood or depression.
Find out more about 'improving Student Mental Health through Partnerships Project’.
Students from the U.S. who are planning to study, or currently studying at LJMU can find out what they need to know if they have a change of circumstances and how this might affect their entitlement to federal student aid.
U.S. students can find out the eligibility requirements and how to apply for federal student aid to support their studies at LJMU.
The ability to relax is important in effectively managing stress and anxiety. Take a look at these tips and ideas to see how relaxation can fit into your daily life.
If you are an exchange student on a programme such as SOCRATES or ERASMUS, you can find out all the information you need about your accommodation.
Visit Liverpool John Moores University's vibrant undergraduate open days. Explore courses, meet faculty, and discover your future in one dynamic event.