Travelling to Tithebarn Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tithebarn Street Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tithebarn Street Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Read the stories of alumni, students and lecturers, find out about our research and interests, delve into our subjects, learn more about Liverpool and discover what makes LJMU a great place to study.
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Resources and information related to Black Lives Matter.
If your anxiety is affecting your daily life and is causing you to avoid certain situations, it might be helpful to recognise it and seek support. Find out more about the resources that are available.
Find out important information on visas required for study in the UK.
It is a great time to be interested in the green sector, as green jobs are growing at around four times the rate of the overall UK labour market.
Barry Groombridge joined Elder Dempster Lines aged 16. Barry’s first voyage was from London to the United States, via West Africa. The voyage lasted nine months. Listen to Barry’s interview to hear about the Christmas he spent with nuns in Madeira and what life was like as a purser at Elder Dempster Lines.
Outreach at LJMU is committed to reducing the gaps in higher education. We deliver programmes to promote fair access to education, find out more about our activities.
The Critical Research Seminars are a series of talks and debates that examine social policy. Seminar topics include: policing, youth justice, prison policy, drugs policy, death in custody and violence against women.