Travelling to Exchange Station
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Find out how to search and apply online for accommodation that meets your wants and needs.
Find out more about reading and writing for wellbeing groups for both students and staff running throughout the academic year.
For more information about the Student Futures Team or careers services at LJMU you can call in and see us in a Careers Zone, telephone us, email or use our contact form.
Health and Criminal Convictions Self Declaration Forms - Applicants and Returning Students
Travelling abroad is exciting in every sense of the word. If you’ve never been away before and you’re feeling a little apprehensive, not to worry you'll find the information you need before travelling on this page.
Find out what resources are available if you are feeling lonely or missing home.
To mark the movement of the School of Education to the Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies (APSS) this blog post highlights the practice of Sarah Tickle from the School of Justice Studies and her use of Microsoft Sway.
The Teaching and Learning Academy leads the development of teaching practice and enhances the learning experience of our students.
LJMU is committed to improving student mental health and is leading on a project to improve student mental health provision, working in partnership with key organisations in the city.