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  1. Gary Blacker

    Gary is a paramedic science graduate of LJMU with over two decades of experience in the ambulance service. He has now made the transition to become a full-time member of staff at the university, teaching the next generation of health professionals. In 2023 he was named as an Outstanding Teacher at the students’ union awards after being nominated by his students.

  2. Student Futures: Careers, Employability and Start-Up

    The aim of the Student Futures Team is to help LJMU students and graduates achieve the career they aspire to. Find useful information and advice about career options, careers fairs and employer events, work experience and internships, careers resources and guides and LJMU’s online digital careers platform.

  3. Senator Datuk Seri Syed Ali Al-Habshee

    Read the oration for Senator Datuk Seri Syed Ali Al-Habshee on the award of his Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Peter Byers.

  4. Jon Bielby

    School of Biological and Environmental Sciences