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  1. Young chimpanzees reconcile through play

    Researchers at LJMU's School of Natural Sciences and Psychology have discovered for the first time that, unlike their adult counterparts who kiss and embrace immediately after a fight, young chimpanzees reconcile through play.

  2. Funding boost to progress mass finishing technologies

    A £330,000 funding boost will help researchers at Liverpool John Moores University progress their work on pioneering improvements in mass finishing technologies, the use of which is expanding rapidly across a range of sectors including aerospace, autosports, automotive, pharmaceutical, medical device, tool making and general engineering.

  3. Researchers reveal new findings into greatest scientific fraud

    A new analysis of the famous Piltdown Man forgeries, conducted by LJMU researchers, points the finger of suspicion even more firmly at their discoverer, Charles Dawson. The Piltdown Man scandal is arguably the greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated in the UK, with fake fossils being claimed as evidence of our earliest ancestor.

  4. Piltdown Man research on primetime TV

    LJMU’s Dr Isabelle De Groote appeared on the BBC’s primetime hit TV programme, The One Show, during a special feature on the famous Piltdown Man forgeries.