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  1. MA Evidence Informed Practice

    LJMU's Evidence-Informed Practice programme is designed for 'in-service' criminal justice professionals who want to develop research skills.

  2. MA Criminal Justice

    LJMU's Criminal Justice MA is a stand-alone qualification designed to enhance your career prospects in criminal justice agencies, the probation service and the police.

  3. MSc Cyber Security

    LJMU's Cyber Security MSc enables students with computing and related experience to further their studies in this challenging and much in-demand sector.

  4. MA Art in Science

    This unique Art in Science course offers a rare opportunity to collaborate as an artist in the world of science and explore art and science project briefs.

  5. MSc Renewable Energy

    One year master's programme for engineers aspiring to be managers in the renewable energy sector

  6. MA Fine Art | Part-time

    LJMU's MA in Fine Art enables you to investigate all proponents of fine art and its practice in production, material intervention, media and curation.

  7. MA Mass Communications

    LJMU's Mass Communications MA investigates the significance of media forms, the systems within which they operate and the challenges they face.