Colum Cronin
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
The Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour is involved in research in all areas of brain and behavioural sciences, applied psychology, cognitive psychology, sports psychology, affective neuroscience, psychopharmacy, animal behaviour, health psychology and mindfulness. Find out more about our expertise and what we have achieved.
Take a look at the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences recent research publications. We publish in high impact sport science related journals.
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Find out about the school-centred research the School of Education are involved in including Practitioner Research Labs for teachers, our Centre for Educational Research, as well as some of our educational research highlights.
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Sport and Exercise Sciences
The Women's Physiology and Nutrition Symposium is hosted by exercise metabolism researchers Dr Jennifer Barrett, Dr Kelsie Johnson and Dr Juliette Strauss from our Research institute of Sport and Exercise Science department.
The DisSPA network aims to provide a transdisciplinary space to connect members and allies who advocate for, and collaborate to, enhance the provision of more inclusive and empowering sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disability.