Ten ways to find part-time work
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
Liverpool John Moores is a proud signatory of the GTRSB Pledge. The Pledge is the University’s commitment to undertake a range of steps to support GTRSB individuals studying or working in higher education.
Find out more about reporting an incidence of sexual violence at a later time.
It doesn't matter how long you study for, if you don't look after yourself then your exam performance may be affected.
Information about reporting an incidence of sexual violence immediately.
LJMU is committed to developing and maintaining a work and study environment that supports staff and students to feel safe.
Guidance, Policies and Processes: Admissions Policy, Access Agreement, Code of Practice for Admissions, Guidance for student support fund, Guidance for Students/Staff on the Fitness to Practise Procedures, Extenuating Circumstances, Deferred Consideration Procedures, Student Code of Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures, Student Governance Confidentiality, Student Governance Retention Storage and Destruction, Student Attendance Policy, Student Social Networking Statement, Turnitin Info for students, University Fitness to Practise Policy, University Fitness to Study Policy, Visa Responsibilities.
Read the stories of alumni, students and lecturers, find out about our research and interests, delve into our subjects, learn more about Liverpool and discover what makes LJMU a great place to study.
If you can demonstrate that you have already achieved learning equivalent to a module or modules, or a level of study, in your programme at LJMU then you may be eligible to be awarded credit for this learning or to have credit transferred from another UK institution.
Read more about LJMU's Student Futures.