Suicide Prevention in Adults: A Psychosocial Approach Level 7
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches, and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches, and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.
CPD course to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches and apply psychosocial suicide prevention approaches in practice.
Humanities and Social Science
European Institute for Urban Affairs has worked for a number of high profile clients including the European Commission, the British Government, and the Economic and Social Research Council, to name a few. Find out more about our projects and meet the team.
This project focuses on the lived experiences of people prescribed cannabis in the UK.
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This level 7 CPD course will enable you to develop an understanding of psychosocial suicide prevention approaches.
The Cognition, Education and Language Research Theme looks into the factors, processes and mechanisms involved in language and education. Find out more about our areas of expertise, our partnerships and collaborations, and browse through our publications.
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