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  1. Biomedical Science

    Biomedical Science Research Group is focused on diseases, disease states and diagnostics of diseases. Our expertise includes: biochemistry, cell culture, toxicology, microbiology, cell imaging and molecular biology. Find out more about our research, typical projects, our researchers and how to get in touch.

  2. Cultural criminology

    Cultural criminology research within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion.

  3. Meet the Research team

    Find out more or contact the researchers within the Prison and Punishment research group.

  4. Impact of achievement motive on physical effort

    We are looking for adult volunteers to examine how achievement motive —the motivation to achieve excellence and accomplishment—and task difficulty affect the effort that individuals invest in a physical handgrip task.

  5. Pregnancy study

    Can physical activity during pregnancy improve mother and baby blood vessel health? If you're pregnant and would like to take part in this study, find out more about what is involved.