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  1. Time domain astrophysics

    Within the time domain astrophysics research group, we are involved in major observational survey projects. We work on a variety of explosive transients, including galactic and extragalactic novae, type la supernovae, core collapse supernovae, and gamma rays bursts. The Liverpool Telescope is the workhorse of the group. Find out more about our research.

  2. Computational and theoretical galaxy formation

    The computational and theoretical galaxy formation group within the Astrophysics Research Institute uses state-of-the-art simulations on supercomputing facilities. Find out more about our research.

  3. Astronomical Technology

    The Astronomical Technology Group is interested in optical and near-IR observations and the technology that facilitates them. Activities of the group include the operation of the robotic Liverpool Telescope and the development of its 4 metre successor.

  4. European, Public and International Law

    The research interests of the European, Public and International Law Research Group include: human rights, terrorism, collective security, European Criminal Law, EU Law, comparative law, regional government and more.

  5. Biomedical Science

    Biomedical Science Research Group is focused on diseases, disease states and diagnostics of diseases. Our expertise includes: biochemistry, cell culture, toxicology, microbiology, cell imaging and molecular biology. Find out more about our research, typical projects, our researchers and how to get in touch.

  6. Cultural criminology

    Cultural criminology research within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion.

  7. Meet the Research team

    Find out more or contact the researchers within the Prison and Punishment research group.