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  1. MSc Cyber Security

    LJMU's Cyber Security MSc enables students with computing and related experience to further their studies in this challenging and much in-demand sector.

  2. MA Strategic People Management and Practice

    LJMU's Strategic People Management and Practice MA focuses on the practical application of knowledge, in different organisational contexts, business sectors and areas of operation.

  3. MSc Cosmetic Science

    LJMU's Cosmetic Science MSc provides postgraduates with expertise in formulation, testing and regulations relating to the UK and global cosmetics industry.

  4. MSc Cosmetic Science

    LJMU's Cosmetic Science MSc provides postgraduates with expertise in formulation, testing and regulations relating to the UK and global cosmetics industry.

  5. MA Exhibition Studies

    LJMU's unique Exhibition Studies MA is dedicated to the understanding of, and engagement with, the history, theory, and practice of worldwide exhibition cultures.

  6. MSc Real Estate

    LJMU's MSc in Real Estate is accredited by the RICS and is designed as a fast-rack route for first-degree holders seeking a career in Real Estate.