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  1. Training, workshops and events

    LJMU’s EDI Team are proud to be working in partnership with an array of equality and diversity training specialists and subject matter experts, in order to offer the opportunity to participate in workshops and training.

  2. Equality Charter Marks

    Equality charter marks or “charters” enable organisations to apply for awards that recognise their commitment to and progression of, equality, diversity and inclusion related areas.

  3. Getting it right: Pronouns

    Making sure you refer to someone by the correct pronouns (during face-to-face interactions or in written format such as emails), can make a world of difference and demonstrates your dedication to equality, diversity and inclusion.

  4. Getting it right: My Name

    Making sure you refer to someone by the correct name (during face-to-face interactions or in written format such as emails), can make a world of difference and demonstrates your dedication to equality, diversity and inclusion.

  5. LGBTQI+ Flags

    In 1978 gay rights activist Gilbert Baker created the first Pride flag with the goal of it being a symbol for everyone. Since then many new flags were created to represent all communities within the LGBTQI+ community.

  6. Social media

    Information for new students on how to keep safe and be responsible using social media.

  7. Directed Study Week

    Find out more about Directed Study Week, five days of workshops and webinars that will help you make the most of everything on offer at the University!