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  1. Record-breaking supernova discovered

    Astronomers scanning the sky to make new discoveries in the universe have witnessed a record-breaking cosmic explosion about 200 times more powerful than a typical supernova - and more than twice as luminous as the previous record-holding supernova.

  2. Schoolgirl researchers visit world-class sport science labs

    The year 9 pupils from Liverpool's Holly Lodge Girls College spent two days working alongside world-class scientists in physiology, biomechanics and sport and exercise psychology, as well as current LJMU students, to gain expert insight into sport science research methodology.

  3. NSS 2023: LJMU delivering an excellent student experience

    LJMU has performed well in the National Student Survey (NSS) 2023. The Office for Students (OfS) has published the survey results, which paint a positive picture of the LJMU student experience, while helping us to identify some areas for improvement.