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  1. Cardiovascular Health Sciences Research Group

    Our research aims to improve cardiovascular health via exercise training and physical activity. Our two main areas of expertise are cardiac function and structure and vascular function and structure in health and disease.

  2. What it's like to work as a food buyer

    Ever thought about whose job it was to decide what products should be on the supermarket shelves? We catch up with graduate Emily Burr, a buyer for Booths Supermarket, to find out what it's like to decide what the nation eats.

  3. Joel Irish

    School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

  4. Facilities - School of Psychology

    In the £26 million Tom Reilly Building, you’ll find psychology students recording brain activity with EEG and fNIRS and using virtual reality systems and a driving simulator to test out simulated activities. See more of the facilities at LJMU's School of Psychology.