MA Counselling and Psychotherapy
MA Counselling and Psychotherapy interview information for applicants.
MA Counselling and Psychotherapy interview information for applicants.
This week Louise Williams has generously agreed to share her experience of running engaging virtual role-play activities at a distance.
Find out more about our entry procedures which will give you a good idea of what to expect on the day of your interview.
Find out what you need to know about your postgraduate fees, funding and helpful advice for managing your finances.
Sport and Exercise Sciences
School of Psychology
Research resources and example of activities undertaken.
Find out more about NameCoach and how it works.
MAPSS is a school suicide prevention programme for Year 10 pupils that aims to reduce suicide risk and increase help-seeking among young people.
Our work placement schemes aims to connect employers with undergraduate student talent, making your recruitment process pain free and as successful as possible.