Travelling to Exchange Station
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to Exchange Station including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Get in touch with the Placement Learning Support Unit
Find essential LJMU key contacts for academic and student support. Connect with advisors, faculty, and services for guidance and assistance.
As LJMU is a participating institution in the William D. Ford Federal Direction Loan Programme, we are obligated to provide some consumer information in relation to financial aid for U.S. students.
Enhance your learning by studying, working or volunteering abroad with the go abroad programmes at Liverpool John Moores University. Find out more about study and work abroad, the Go Global Fund as well the opportunities available at LJMU for international exchange students.
Find out more about the health advice and support available to LJMU students.
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Member of the Board of Governors
Member of the Board of Governors
U.S. students can find out the eligibility requirements and how to apply for federal student aid to support their studies at LJMU.