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  1. European internships – Work abroad

    Liverpool John Moores University and our European partners offer LJMU students chances to work in a variety of traineeship roles across Europe. Find out more about the European internship opportunities available to you.

  2. Work abroad – Go abroad

    International work experience, whether in Europe or further afield can really boost your CV and increase your chances in securing that dream job in the future. Working overseas allows you to put your skills and knowledge to the test while increasing your cultural awareness and highlighting your adaptability. So, why not apply to work abroad with LJMU today?

  3. Lottie Kippax

    Lottie is undertaking her master’s in pharmacy at LJMU and juggles her studies alongside work at a local pharmacy, helping the community of Liverpool while furthering her own skills.

  4. Professor Roger Webster

    Professor Roger Webster is the former Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies and Professor of Literary Studies at the university. He was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by LJMU in 2017 for his outstanding contribution to arts and cultural education. He brought together a book on the origins and history of LJMU, released in 2017 for the university’s 25th anniversary.

  5. Resources

    Some of the members within the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology present their research findings on television programmes, including National Geographic, and at various conferences. Watch videos about human evolution, conservation strategies, animal behaviour and forensic practices.

  6. Chris Burgess

    Chris was born during the Second World War and only studied at university much later in life, like many of the mature students that choose to study with LJMU. He also had a late dyslexia diagnosis, making him realise he just had a different way of thinking and learning.