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  1. The Notion of Becoming

    Liverpool John Moores University taught me that the PhD experience was about reflecting on the notion of becoming. To make sense continuously of what I should, could or need to pursue at any given point. The importance of being creative, accepting mistakes and remaining imaginative were reinforced through my experience at Liverpool John Moores University. A place that taught me to think about the purpose of my work and the reasons that underpinned my ideas. The PhD experience was four years but the positive affect of Liverpool John Moores University will continue.

  2. Launch of Men's Staff Network

    The Men’s Staff Network will provide a space for colleagues to celebrate the positive contributions and achievements of men; raise awareness of the issues affecting men and boys and the associated impacts on wider society and offer opportunities for formal and informal networking and mentoring.

  3. Exam Timetables

    April/May 2019 Examination Timetables are now available for LJMU students.

  4. July is Disability Pride Month

    July marks the celebration of Disability Pride month. An opportunity to raise awareness and have positive conversations about disability in study and the workplace.