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  1. MSc Cyber Security

    LJMU's Cyber Security MSc enables students with computing and related experience to further their studies in this challenging and much in-demand sector.

  2. MA Fine Art

    LJMU's MA in Fine Art enables you to investigate all proponents of fine art and its practice in production, material intervention, media and curation.

  3. MBA Educational Leadership

    MBA Educational Leadership co-designed by the School of Education working in partnership with Liverpool Business School aims to connect educational leadership, advocacy, ethical business performance and innovative practice

  4. MSc Sport Coaching | Part-time

    This LJMU Sport Coaching Masters enables coaches to analyse and critically reflect on their personal coaching practice, providing the skills to coach at elite level.

  5. MSc Sport Coaching

    This LJMU Sport Coaching Masters enables coaches to analyse and critically reflect on their personal coaching practice, providing the skills to coach at elite level.

  6. MA Education Practice

    Aimed at Early Career Teachers, LJMU's Education Practice MA is linked to the NQT year and early professional development needs.