Travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
The Student Information System is used for managing student information from the point of application to graduation.
Access information for the LJMU Sport Building
The purpose of the Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion is to support the University in driving forward the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Faculty and Professional Services level and ensure local issues inform the Diversity and Inclusion overall approach.
Find out the latest news, connect with the Diversity and Inclusion team and sign up to the LJMU mailing list.
LJMU Staff Induction Marketplace
Academic Planning and Information Services are responsible for the collation of data and the production of timely, valid and accurate student number related statutory returns required by government agencies.
The Customer Relationships and Insight team works closely with all areas of the wider Student Recruitment Marketing and Admissions team, and colleagues across the institution to ensure LJMU consistently delivers an exceptional experience for prospective students.
A comprehensive list of checks that Sitecore publisher's must comply with before publishing to the LJMU website.
Get in touch with the Placement Learning Support Unit