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  1. Worrying trend of children 'in care' still living at home

    Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University are set to investigate a worrying phenomenon in the North West of England that is seeing increasing numbers of vulnerable children placed into local authority care yet remain living at home. 

  2. Professor's shock at destruction of Earth's habitats

    Leading primatologist Serge Wich has expressed his shock after contributing to research which suggests only 3% of the world's land remains ecologically intact with healthy populations of all its original animals.

  3. Sea pollution explored in new podcast

    Academics at Leeds Beckett and Liverpool John Moores Universities are using sound - and the short stories of Merseyside writer, Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957) - to bring to life the magnitude of plastic pollution in our seas.

  4. Words of wisdom to new students

    We asked our current students and alumni community what their one piece of advice would be to new students starting their studies at LJMU. Here's what they said...