PhD seminars
Find out more information about our PhD seminars.
Find out more information about our PhD seminars.
The Green Spaces Research Group within the Institute for Health Research, is concerned with research that aims to improve access and benefits from being outdoors.
The Suicide and Self-Harm Research Group builds on existing areas of excellence in research and aligns with the national suicide prevention strategy (2019)
Collaborative research focused on promoting wellbeing in individuals and communities.
European and Comparative Public Law
Within the subject of forensic psychology, our areas of expertise include criminal behaviour, suicide risk, child abuse and harassment. Take a look at our current projects, people working in the group, and publications.
The Industrial Design Group has been focusing on human-centred design research that applying Human Factors theory to optimise human well-being and overall system performance.
Control and Logistic group have conducted research and implementation on Control, Optimization and Industrial systems for four decades.
The Educational Psychology Research Group is comprised researchers who use psychological theory and perspectives to understand and positively influence educational phenomena at all ages and stages of education.
Find out more information about our Visiting Research Fellows.