Travelling to Tithebarn Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tithebarn Street Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tithebarn Street Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Staff Governor - Non Teaching
The LJMU Maritime Centre helps to meet the training needs of the maritime industry, whether that is through our facilities or through our specialist training courses. Our ship-handling simulator is one of the most advanced in Europe. Find out more about the Centre.
New to the UK? We provide some specific information about accommodation for international students.
The Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing at Liverpool John Moores University provides students with a chance to gain relevant policing experience as part of their degree.
View the previous meetings of the Liverpool Neuroscience Day taking place at LJMU on 13 June 2017.
Congratulations on receiving an offer of study with LJMU. Here is how to take the next step and accept your place amongst our great student community.
Find out how to get in touch with the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences.
The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education runs seminars throughout the year. Find out more about Seminar Series 2020-2021.
LJMU was awarded the Liverpool Bambis Breastfeeding Friendly Mayoral Award in June 2022. The award recognises commitment to supporting staff, students and visitors who are breastfeeding their children to feel welcome to do so across campus buildings.