Search the LJMU website

  1. Go Global - Go abroad

    The LJMU Go Global fund allows students to undertake international projects, from existing programmes such as Camp America or TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) courses, to individual projects students have designed themselves. Find out more about the Global Citizen and Global Scholar funding schemes available to LJMU students.

  2. Sustainability

    You'll find LJMU sustainability policies: the Biodiversity Policy, Environmental Policy and Fairtrade Status renewal.

  3. Forms and letters

    Read advice and guidance about various forms and letters that may be useful to you during your time at LJMU.

  4. Diversity and Inclusion Resources

    Explore a wide range of Diversity and Inclusion materials on from inside and outside LJMU, including video resources and recommended reading.

  5. Course catalogue

    The Course Catalogue contains approved versions of LJMU-validated programmes and modules delivered by LJMU and its collaborative partners. By default, the catalogue will display the version of the programme and module for the current academic year – other years may be selected.