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  1. The Truth About Getting Fit at Home

    Sport science experts at Liverpool John Moores University star in this week's prime-time BBC documentary - The Truth About Getting Fit at Home, BBC One, Wednesday, 9pm.

  2. Responding to our Community and Neighbourhoods

    LJMU is proud of its place in Liverpool and we are at the beating heart of almost everything that happens in the region.  However, with that presence comes a responsibility to be mindful and aware of our potential impact. In partnership with the other universities in the city, LJMU has embarked on a number of initiatives to work with local residents.

  3. BLOG: Behind the scenes on the set of 'The Batman'

    LJMU Film Studies and Creative Writing Student, and now LJMU graduate, Benjamin Jones shares his take on what life was like on set of a major film production, what he learnt and how his course at Liverpool Screen School helped him in the world of film.