Ten ways to find part-time work
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
acknowledgement of individuals and institutions who helped with the production of Dr Gerry Smyth's online learning resources based on his setting of the lyrics included in James Joyce's 36-lyric sequence entitled 'Chamber Music'
If you have accessed support for your disability or health condition throughout school and university, e.g. in the form of a support plan or funding, you might be concerned about similar support being available to you in the workplace.
Find out how to search and apply online for accommodation that meets your wants and needs.
Sleep is an essential part of our lives; it is restorative both physically and psychologically. People can become very stressed and worried when they feel they are not getting enough sleep. Find out how to overcome sleep problems.
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women who are changing the world of business in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of these women's unique and inspirational lives.
Academics at Leeds Beckett and Liverpool John Moores Universities are using sound - and the short stories of Merseyside writer, Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957) - to bring to life the magnitude of plastic pollution in our seas.
Study underway to understand how assessment impacts Black students
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is to offer a new generation of police officer training in partnership with Merseyside Police.
Student organised festival receives 3,000 films from 15 countries