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  1. Raspberry Pi Computing Taster

    The Raspberry Pi, which you may receive, is intended to allow you to experiment with computing devices and develop your computing/coding skills prior to commencing your course.

  2. Sir John Moores 1896-1993

    LJMU is proudly named in honour of Sir John Moores, a successful businessman who founded Liverpool’s famous Littlewoods retail and football pools company.

  3. Riding the wave of success

    Read Charlotte Morton's story - when law graduate Charlotte applied for a post as Port Operations Coordinator with CMA CGM (UK) Ltd, she had little expectation of success as, having not even finished her Masters in Maritime Operations Management, she was merely dipping a toe into her new industry.

  4. Materials development and processing

    MEMARC's members conduct research into materials development, as well as biological systems and sports engineering. Learn more about this research, the researchers who work in this area and the materials development and processing projects members have completed.