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  1. John Flamson

    Read the oration for John Flamson on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  2. MyLJMU

    The My LJMU app gives you quick and easy access to vital LJMU services including My Timetable, See My Tutor, My Services, My Results, Free PC and a range of others.

  3. Food

    LJMU has a number of strategies and initiatives in place to promote healthy living for University students and staff by encouraging active, healthy lifestyles and promoting sustainable food. Find out about our commitments and what you can do to improve your lifestyle.

  4. Beverston Enginnering

    Read more about the collaboration between Beverston Engineering and LCR 4.0 working closely together we were able to develop a package of work, concentrating upon technologies which could have significant impact upon component accuracy improvement and waste reduction within the CNC manufacturing process.

  5. About GCMM

    Find out more about the GCMM 2020 conference

  6. Commodore Rod Walker

    Read the oration for Commodore Rod Walker on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  7. Paul Nolan

    Read the full oration for Paul Nolan on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.