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  1. CPD Video Content Production

    CPD course that will allow you to practice and apply a range of professional video production techniques. You will be given the opportunity to develop skills in video production, animation and motion graphic practice and creative production.

  2. CPD Practice Education for Paramedics

    This CPD course is designed to enable Paramedics working in a variety of settings to develop person-centred and reflective approaches to supporting and assessing learning in practice.

  3. CPD Video Content Production

    CPD course that will allow you to practice and apply a range of professional video production techniques. You will be given the opportunity to develop skills in video production, animation and motion graphic practice and creative production.

  4. LJMU Maritime Centre

    The LJMU Maritime Centre helps to meet the training needs of the maritime industry, whether that is through our facilities or through our specialist training courses. Our ship-handling simulator is one of the most advanced in Europe. Find out more about the Centre.

  5. Undergraduate

    If you’re considering life as an undergraduate student, in this section you can search for degree courses, register for an open day, learn more about fees and funding (including grants, loans and financial support) and order a prospectus.

  6. Postgraduate study at Liverpool Business School

    With a range of full and part time Business and Management courses available, Liverpool Business School provides the perfect platform for you to progress your career. Realise your business potential by gaining the skills and qualifications you need to take you to the next level.

  7. Study opportunities for Service Leavers

    Here at LJMU, we recognise that your service and time spent in the Armed Forces has provided you with a range of skills and attributes that will enable you to excel in your studies at university and to reach your potential as you take the next step into civilian life.